Review of protein bars

In the past, protein bars used to be treated as a commodity. These days, protein bars are extremely convenient, often delicious and cost effective. Producers of these bars realized that taste is just as important as its nutritional content. In this article, we want to review multiple protein bars, talk about their benefits and possible flaws of each one.
Misfits Vegan Protein Bar
This product has everything you could ask for – a great taste, healthy vegan contents, and lots of protein to help build your muscles. It is also available in a variety of flavors. Each one is delicious, but you can choose from 11 different flavors to find one that is perfect for your taste buds. Actual protein contents of this bar equal to 15 grams. Eating two of these bars should provide you with plenty of protein for each workout session. While you’re resting between exercises, you could go to 22Bet India and place bets there.
The only downside to Misfits Protein Bar is that it’s a little bit pricey. Pack of 12 costs $28. This, coupled with the fact that the protein bar itself is not very large, makes it not a great value for the money. Some people also dislike it’s aftertaste. However, this is personal. Try one bar and you should find out for yourself.
However, if the cost of a protein bar is not your highest priority, Misfits Protein Bar is definitely one of the best options. It is one of the tastiest options out there. It is based on soy, so vegans can consume it as well.
Misfits is one of the best protein bars for losing weight. It’s very low on sugar and On top of that, It also contains an extract that promotes burning of extra fat.
Quest Bar

This is one of the best practical choices for people who want a convenient protein bar that delivers. Overall weight of the protein bar is 60grams, and one third of that is protein. That is a lot for a single protein bar. There are lots of possible flavors to choose from. Some of the flavors are quite unique and really, really delicious, such as lemon cake. These bars are worth giving a try.
Unfortunately, this bar is a bit pricey. Twelve packs cost $30. However, if we consider the large size of the bar itself, and the fact that it is full of proteins, it’s not a bad bargain. It is also low on sugar. However, it gets its taste from artificial sweeteners instead.
Cliff Bar
This is a great protein bar for people who want a nutritious meal they can take on hikes and other activities. It is quite big at 70 grams, but contains 11 grams of protein. It’s still a sizable portion of protein, but it’s not as much as other protein bars. However, cliff bars more than make up for this disadvantage by low price. A box of 12 costs just 16$, which works out at less than 1.5$ per unit. This is a great price. These bars are also free of artificial sweeteners.